Justia News

Judge Rules the President Can’t Block Twitter Users Updated: Published by:

A federal district court judge has ruled the President cannot block users from his Twitter account based on their political views. The account is a public forum and as such the President's first amendment rights do not out weigh those of his Twitter followers. Read the full opinion and view…

Federal Court Denies Government Motion to Dismiss Lawsuit Challenging Warrantless Device Searches at Border Updated: Published by:

A federal district court judge in Massachusetts recently issued a memorandum and order denying the government’s motion to dismiss a case challenging warrantless searches of electronic device at the US Boarder. The plaintiffs (ten United States citizens and one permanent resident) brought suit in September 2017 against the Department of…

Judge Rules 2016 California Law Allowing Physician-Assisted Death was Unconstitutionally Approved by Legislature Updated: Published by:

On Tuesday, May 15, 2018, Riverside County Superior Court Judge Daniel Ottolia issued an oral ruling holding that the California Legislature acted illegally in passing a law allowing terminally ill adults to be prescribed life-ending drugs if a doctor determined the patient has six months or less to live. The…

US Supreme Court Clears Path for Legalized Sports Betting Nationwide Updated: Published by:

In a 6-3 opinion, the US Supreme Court struck down a 1992 federal statute that prohibited most states from allowing sports betting. Ruling in favor of the State of New Jersey and against sports leagues including the NCAA, the Court found that the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA)…

California Spearheads Attack on EPA Attempt to Weaken Emissions Standards Updated: Published by:

Joined by 16 other states and the District of Columbia, the State of California has filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in an effort to prevent the federal agency from loosening its rules on auto emissions. The lawsuit argues both that the agency is violating the Clean…

Arizona Federal District Court Judge Rules Against Democrats in Voting Rights Case Updated: Published by:

Arizona Federal District Court Judge Douglas Rayes has rejected the claims of the Democratic National Committee and the Arizona Democratic Party of voting rights violations arising from two Arizona statutes which impact the Democrats get out the vote initiatives. Read the decision and relevant statutes on Justia.