Justia News

Seventh Circuit Strikes Down Abortion Law Signed by Mike Pence Updated: Published by:

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals recently struck down a law regulating abortions signed into law in March of 2016 by then Indiana Governor Mike Pence. Called the “Sex Selective and Disability Abortion Ban”, the law imposed restrictions on a woman’s ability to have an abortion based on her reasons…

DNC Files RICO Lawsuit Against Russian Government, Trump Campaign Officials, WikiLeaks Updated: Published by:

The Democratic National Committee has filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York against the Russian Government, numerous top officials in the Trump Campaign, and the WikiLeaks organization. The lawsuit alleges that Trump campaign officials conspired with the Russian government to help Donald Trump…

Facebook Faces Yet Another Legal Battle: A Class Action Lawsuit Over Facial Recognition Updated: Published by:

The largest social media company in the world faces another legal battle. On Monday, April 16, 2018, US District Judge James Donato ruled in San Francisco federal court that a class action lawsuit could proceed with the allegation that Facebook illegally collected and stored its users biometric data without their…

Justice Neil Gorsuch Casts Deciding Vote Against the Trump Administration in Sessions v. Dimaya Updated: Published by:

On Tuesday, April 17, 2018, the United States Supreme Court decided Sessions v. Dimaya, 584 U.S. ___ (2018), with Justice Neil Gorsuch casting the deciding vote against the Trump Administration. The Supreme Court held that 18 U.S.C. 16(b), as incorporated into the Immigration and Nationality Act, was unconstitutionally "void for…

News Organizations File Lawsuit Challenging California’s New Execution Rules Updated: Published by:

Along with other news organizations, the Los Angeles Times has filed a lawsuit challenging California's new execution rules. The complaint alleges violations of the plaintiffs' First Amendment rights to witness and report on executions on behalf of the public. At issue are provisions permitting lethal injection drugs to be concocted…