Senator Schumer Urging Investigation of FaceApp

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Senator Chuck Schumer sent a letter to the FBI and the FTC last Wednesday expressing his concerns regarding FaceApp, stating that it could “post national security and privacy risks for millions of U.S. citizens.”

People have been having lots of fun with FaceApp, the app that shows you what you’ll look like when you’re old. At the same time, there are concerns about how FaceApp’s Russian developers might use the pictures that are being uploaded.

Initially, FaceApp did not tell users that it was uploading the pictures to its servers. Though they are currently being more transparent about this, there are still millions of people uploading selfies to foreign servers.

Given Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election, and the fact that pictures are often used for fake profiles or for identity theft, using FaceApp could lead to big problems. There is no way for consumers to ask that their pictures be deleted permanently.

While the concerns about FaceApp seem valid, for now there is no additional evidence that the developers had a motive other than making a fun app.

Additional Resources

Schumer wants FBI to investigate FaceApp, DNC warns against using it: Here’s what you need to know, CNBC, July 18, 2019

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