Alfonso Ribeiro, who played Carlton Banks on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, has sued Epic Games, Inc. and Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. for copyright infringement. Ribeiro alleged that Epic Games and Take-Two infringed on his copyright to the Carlton Dance by offering in-game purchases in Fortnite Battle Royale and NBA 2K16, respectively,…
Articles Posted in Copyright
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled the annotations of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA) are in the public domain and no copyright can be asserted over this work.
MLB persuaded Twitter to suspend the account of Rob Friedman, which shows brief videos and GIFs of individual pitches from MLB games, but the fair use doctrine may protect Friedman's tweets.
On Monday the Ninth Circuit ruled that animals do not have standing to sue people for breaking copyright laws. Had Congress intended for copyright protection to extend to animals, the should have expressly written it into the law, the three-judge panel concluded.
On March 13, 2018, Jamaican songwriter Michael May filed a complaint in New York federal court against pop artist Miley Cyrus. May, who performs under the name Flourgon, alleges copyright infringement associated with some of the lyrics in Cyrus's 2013 song, "We Can't Stop."
In a somewhat surprising holding, a US district court judge in New York recently held that a news organization's embedding of someone else's tweet with copyrighted material violates the tweeter's right to exclusive display of the tweet.
On Monday, February 12, US District Judge Frederic Block ruled in Castillo v. G&M Realty LP that 45 works of graffiti art on the 5Pointz warehouses in Queens were protected under the federal Visual Artists Rights Act (VARA), and that the building owner violated the law by painting over the graffiti. The judge's decision is available on Justia Dockets.